What makes a man below 25 so attractive? Is it the angst to make it big in life? Is it the youthful charm? Is it the fashion sense? Or… is it that shimmering blue car he got?
To have a car is an advantage. You get to travel with not much hassle compared to having to commute. For young men especially that below 25, owning one is a symbol of masculinity. They often use it as a magnet for the opposite sex.
Beneath these fine points, one disadvantage these young men suffer in having a car is: THEY HAVE TO PAY HIGHER AUTO INSURANCE RATE. As the rationale of this policy tells, younger men are at high risks compared to older ones. That is why they have to pay for higher rates.
Some understand and realize this point but for many, they think it is a form of “discrimination”.
The word discrimination is defined as-treatment or consideration based on class or category rather than individual merit; partiality or prejudice: racial discrimination; discrimination against foreigners.
Most young men who claim that indeed there is discrimination feels that though they are at high risks, why must charges be different? It is like charging one person according to gender, race or age which is a form of discrimination.
There is a difference between legal discrimination and the one which is defined by the dictionary. Legal discrimination often pertains to justified discrimination. Discriminating auto insurance rates through age is not true to all states. In some places like California, they categorize them through driving experience. Charges are higher to those who have been driving for less than 9-10 years than those who have been driving more than 10 years to fifty years. For those who are 80 years old or more or the senior citizens have to pay more because they are also at high risks.
In the United States of America, principles which are not prohibited by laws are considered to be permitted. This makes charging bigger rates of auto insurance to men below 25 neither legally discriminatory nor illegal.
Complaints like auto insurance must be based in the drivers’ records whether he drives well or not and not by age. Complainants think that it is unjust to charge everybody for the mistake of half. The basis of charging higher to men 25 and below is the psychological aspect, at this age they become playful, very adventurous, risk-takers and they drink a lot!
DISCRIMINATION strikes you when you only let somebody do so.