When people are shopping for a new or used car they often don't think about insurance until the last moment. Several consumers fall into the trap of obtaining an instant car loan through the dealership and inadvertently signing up for the auto insurance through the finance company. This can be one of the worst mistakes you can make. Often finance companies that roll insurance into the finance agreement will charge premium prices that have interest charges added in on top of the already high rates. When obtaining financing make sure you state up front that you will be getting insurance through a company of your choosing and not the finance company.
The best bet to finding the best deal on vehicle coverage is to do your research before you buy the car. By knowing up-front what type of car you are looking for most insurance companies can provide you with a basic quote that is in the ballpark of the rates you can expect to pay. Remember, never drive off the lot with any car until you have the insurance purchased and finalized. Accidents can happen anywhere at any time. The last thing you want to happen is to be in an accident without insurance.