The Vehicle Identification Number – You must enter this number online to receive the proper rate. The Vehicle identification number on a vehicle will indicate the safety features on your automobile and that will give you discounts. Air bags, seat belts, and anti-lock breaks are valuable discounts. Rates are higher without these discounts. Have your vehicle identification number available.
Drivers License Number – You are going to have your driving record investigated sooner or later and so you might as well get it done at the beginning so that you will have an accurate rate based on your driving record.
Prior Insurance – If you are comparison shopping then you will need to have your prior insurance policy available. Prior insurance discounts are huge but you have to prove that you have a policy by entering your present insurance company effective date and policy number.
Usage – it is important that you have a good understanding on how you use your vehicles. How far one way to work? Is your car used for pleasure? How many miles per year do you drive on each vehicle?
Discount Tips – Insurance companies will give discounts for a variety of reasons. There are retirement discounts for seniors. Young drivers receive discounts for drivers training education as well as good student discounts by some companies. Multi-policy discounts when both auto and home insurance are with the same company.
Online shopping is so much easier when you have all this information available. Be prepared and you will save valuable time and money.