The competition among insurance companies these days is huge due to a simple fact; the amount of cars in the world is constantly growing, meaning more insurance is needed. Some people insure 2 or even 3 cars through the same insurance company and aren’t aware that if they demand an additional discount they will easily get it and even if they don’t, no worries, there are lots of other reliable companies that will give them a better rate.
There are plenty of ways of saving hundreds of dollars from your annual premium. The first step is getting a quote. Filling out a quote should be done correctly and the cheapest and fastest way to get free quotes is online. Correct comparison is the key to great rates and it’s needless to say you should compare quotes from at least 3 different companies (the more the better). There are organizations which provide unbiased services helping you compare 1000 of bids from different auto insurance companies with filling out just one form. These systems can come in handy and save hours of quote comparison.
Ways To Save
The following are a few tested strategies you can apply for saving $300 - $500 from your premium. The more tips you apply the more you can save, believe it or not saving couldn’t be easier.
- Raise your deductibles
- Reduce coverage on older cars
- Compare male and female as main drivers
- If you haven’t had an accident – negotiate a discount
- Take a defensive driving course and let the insurance company know that you have
- Install anti theft devices
- Ask for a discount if you have more than one type of insurance from the same company
- Check for low mileage discounts