Because of the fierce competition in the insurance market, premiums have been falling, which is good news for those shopping for car insurance. It is prudent to bear in mind however that price is not the most important part of your car insurance deal!
What you should look to achieve is lower premium payments in order to ease the burden of paying insurance. This can take a great deal of time especially when it comes to comparing the different insurance companies and what they might offer. However there are a number of things you can do to improve your chances of success.
Shop around. Each insurance company offers different setups – sometimes differing so drastically that attention to detail is a must. You can ask for quotations from these companies so that you can compare them with regards to the prices and packages they offer. An easier step would be to visit websites that list insurance companies offering affordable insurance packages.
Keep a good clean driving record. If you can show that you are a good driver then insurance companies will consider you a low-risk candidate, and thus will have lower accompanying premium rates
One great way to lower car insurance premiums is by installing a number of additional safety devices or features in your car. Some insurance companies will automatically lower premiums if they see anti-theft devices, automatic seatbelts and airbags.
Creative mathematics can also bring your car premiums down. Ask for higher deductibles on your car insurance policy. By increasing your deductibles you can lower your premiums from between 15 to 20 per cent. Just make sure that you can shoulder the difference!
If you own a second hand car or an old model car, ask to reduce its coverage. A car whose cost is equivalent to less than ten times the premium that you pay for a comprehensive coverage is not a good deal.
You can actually ask for more discounts from insurance companies. A number of discounts can be requested like lower rates if the car has a low annual mileage. There are also companies that grant discounts if you show proof that you have taken a defensive driving course. Passing an advanced driving test can also be used to ask for a discount.
Your profession can actually give you a better deal than you think. Ask around if your particular profession can be considered as a low-risk group. Insurance companies have a list of professions that are grouped between low risk and high risk. Low insurance risk professions are awarded with lower insurance premiums.