Here’s what you need…
1. Driver License – Every resident relative in the household will have to be rated on the policy. You will need the driver’s license number for every individual that will be rated on the policy.
2. Insurance Declarations Page – This page is mailed to you every time your policy renews. It contains all of the insurance information that you will need to enter on the online quoting website.
3. Car Registration Card – The registration card will provide the vehicle identification number. Every vehicle gets its rate from the vehicle registration number. It will indicate the air bags, anti-lock brakes, and any other safety features. These features give you discounts.
4. Property Insurance Policy – The best rates on car insurance are usually multi-policy rated. You might as well get a rate on your homeowner policy and compare and get the multi-policy discount.
Online Shopping for car insurance requires you to provide all the necessary information. The nice thing about online shopping is that you can do it at home and at your convenience. The quotes are usually sent to competing companies and when you receive the quote you will also have the option to e-mail the agent. Agents are doing business online all of the time and they also find it to be a convenient way to do business.